Kamis, 13 Maret 2008

Devil's Food Cupcake

Liaaaaa........... akhirnya gw bikin cupcake kayak kamu juga, hihihi, senengnya deh, bener2 seneng banget. Biar capek banget hari ini, tapi rasanya puaaaas sekali. Meskipun gak cantik-cantik amat hiasannya tapi gw bangga setengah mati ngeliatnya :-p

Anak2 gw sukaaa banget. Colak-colek melulu sampe gw pegel ngelarangnya. Pas udah jadi, pada lonjak-lonjak kegirangan, hehehe.... mungkin gak nyangka kalo emaknya ternyata bisa juga bikin yang kayak gini.

Resep cupcake-nya gw pake Devil's food lihatnya di Mom's Kitchen yang sumber resepnya dari Chockylit. Rasanya enaaak banget, kerasa banget coklatnya :-) Dan hiasnya pake vegetable whipped cream biasa yang tinggal kocok, abis males bikin yang laen2, hehehe..........

2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter
2 tsp vanilla
2 eggs

-Preheat the oven to 350 F
-Measure out everything but the eggs directly into your mixer bowl
-Mix on low speed just until incorporated, then beat on high speed for 2 minutes
-Add eggs, then beat on high speed again for another 2 minutes
-Spoon the batter into the cupcake pan lined with paper cups
-Bake for 15-20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean
-Let cool slightlyin the pan then transfer to wire rack to cool completely before frosting

2 komentar:

.... Lia .... mengatakan...

Pippi...keren deh cup cake nya...having fun kan waktu bikin cup cake...pokoknya terus bercup cake ria ya pip---salam.Lia

Elsye mengatakan...

ikutan cupcake spectacular aja Pi..noooh masi hbesok batas waktunya..:D..go go go girl..:D